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If printing spot colours is proving too time consuming, simply send your file to us (high resolution pdf file with trim marks and bleeds if applicable). We will print your job in excellent quality in just a few days.

Pantone Spot Colours
Pantone spot colours offer a better colour spectrum than conventional CMYK printing and can be printed with consistent colour quality. Some Pantone colours can be reproduced in CMYK as a very close match, but many of the more vibrant Pantone colours cannot be reproduced precisely enough. Spot colour printing also allows the use of fluorescents and metallic colours which cannot be made using the traditional CMYK process. Many companies use spot colours for their Logo and across their corporate brand, for their business stationery - Letterheads, Compliment Slips, Business Cards etc.
How to create a spot colour in Adobe InDesign
Select a new spot colour ‘New Colour Swatch’ in the Swatches panel menu. Uncheck the box which says ‘Name with Colour Value’, then click on the ‘Colour Mode’ drop down menu and select the spot colour style that you require. Select the pantone colour that you need and click OK. This creates a Spot Colour swatch in your Swatches palette, for you to use in your artwork.
How to create a spot colour in Adobe Illustrator
From the ‘File’ drop down menu’ ensure that the ‘Document Colour Mode’ is set to CMYK not RGB. From the ‘Window’ drop down menu, select ‘Swatch Libraries’ ‘Colour Books’ and select the spot colour style that you require. Select the pantone colour that you need, this automatically creates a Spot Colour swatch in your Swatches palette, for you to use in your artwork. When you ‘place’ an Illustrator file containing spot colours into InDesign, the spot colour will automatically be added to the Indesign document’s colour palette.
Environmentally friendly
We are members of the Woodland Trust, all our papers and boards are from sustainable sources. Our waste paper offcuts are recycled and we use quality vegetable-based litho printing inks.